Estudos Científicos sobre Constelações Familiares

Seguem-se apenas alguns estudos. Existem centenas de estudos científicos sobre Constelações Familiares, em várias línguas e inseridos em diversos domínios (e.g., psicologia clínica, assistência social, marketing, pedagogia, jurídico).

Acosta, P. M. F. (2005). Tema libre en psicoterapia Constelaciones Familiares: Sanar desde el alma familiar. Revista Científica Ciencia Médica, 8(1),48-49.

Alonso, Y. (2005). Las constelaciones familiares de Bert Hellinger: Un procedimiento psicoterapéutico en busca de identidad. International Journal of Psychology and Psychological Therapy, 5(1), 83-94.

Birkenkrahe, M. (2009). System constellations as a tool supporting organisational learning and change processes. International Journal of Learning and Change, 3(2), 125-144.

Cohen, D. B. (2006). “Family constellations”: An innovative systemic phenomenological group process from Germany. The Family Journal, 14(3), 226-233.

Crawford, J. (2013). Sister of the Heart and Mind: Healing and Teaching with Family System Constellations. Women & Therapy, 36(1-2), 100-109.

Duncan, W. L. (2017). Dinámicas Ocultas: Culture and Psy‐Sociality in Mexican Family Constellations Therapy. Ethos, 45(4), 489-513.

Fidyk, A. L. (2016). Unconscious ties that bind – attending to complexes in the classroom: part 1. International Journal of Jungian Studies, 8(3), 181-194.

Fidyk, A. L. (2016). Unconscious ties that bind – attending to complexes in the classroom: part 2. International Journal of Jungian Studies, 8(3), 195-210.

Geils, C., & Edwards, S. D. (2018). Extended family constellations workshop efficacy on intuition measure and experience. Journal of Psychology in Africa, 28(3), 224-228,

Hellinger, B. (2009). El Inconsciente Colectivo y las Constelaciones Familiares. CIC: Cuadernos de Información y Comunicación, 14, 83-88.

Hogeland, A. (2010). Family Constellation Therapy. Homœopathic Links, 23(1), 24-26.

Hunger, C., Bornhäuser, A., Link, L., Schweitzer, J., & Weinhold, J. (2014). Improving experience in personal social systems through family constellation seminars: Results of a randomized controlled trial. Family Process, 53(2), 288-306.

Hunger, C., Weinhold, J., Bornhäuser, A., Link, L., & Schweitzer, J. (2014). Mid‐and Long‐Term Effects of Family Constellation Seminars in a General Population Sample: 8‐and 12‐Month Follow‐Up. Family Process, 54(2), 344-358.

Hunger, C., Bornhaauser, A., Link, L., Giegges, J, Voss, A., Weinhold, J., & Schweitzer, J. (2017). The Experience in Personal Social Systems Questionnaire (EXISpers): Development and Psychometric Properties. Family Process 56(1),154–170.

Hurley, J., Koenning, M., & Bray, A. (2018). Responding to intergenerational psychological trauma: a literature review paper on the place of Family Constellation Therapy. PACJA: Psychotherapy and Counselling Journal of Australia, 6(1).

Jafferany, M., Capec, S., Yaremkevych, R., Andrashko, Y., Capec, G., & Petrek, M. (2019). Effects of family constellation seminars on itch in patients with atopic dermatitis and psoriasis: A patient preference controlled trial. Dermatologic Therapy, e13100.

Jurg, W., Bloemer, J., Doorewaard H., & Simons R. (2008). System Constellations: A better way to identify branding opportunities? Journal of Brand Management, 15(4), 239-257.

Keupp, H. (2003). Gebrauchswertversprechen eines postmodernen Fundamentalisten. Psychologie Heute, 3, 31.

Lisenaya, A., & Liseniy, E. (2020). Symbols and Images in the Modality of Systemic Family Psychotherapy. Psychological Counseling and Psychotherapy, 12, 6-12.

Mayer, C. H., & Viviers, R. (2015). Exploring cultural issues for constellation work in South Africa. Australian and New Zealand Journal of Family Therapy, 36(2), 289-306.

Mayer, C. H., & Viviers, A. (2016). Constellation work principles, resonance phenomena, and shamanism in South Africa. South African Journal of Psychology, 46(1), 130-145.

McQuillin, J., & Welford, E. (2013). How Many people are gathered here? Group work and family constellation theory. Transactional Analysis Journal, 43(4), 352-365.

Pritzker, S. E., & Duncan, W. L. (2019). Technologies of the Social: Family Constellation Therapy and the Remodeling of Relational Selfhood in China and Mexico. Culture, Medicine, and Psychiatry, 43(3), pp 468–495.

Ramos, S., & Ramos, J. A. (2019). Process of change and effectiveness of family constellations: A mixed methods single case study on depression. The Family Journal, 27(4), 418–428.

Ramos, J. A., & Ramos, S. (2021). Process of change and effectiveness of family constellations: “On the verge of divorce, I glimpse my finitude.” A mixed methods single case study on suicidal ideation. The Humanistic Psychologist. Advance online publication.

Salters, D. (2013). Sandplay and family constellation. Transactional Analysis Journal, 43(3), 224-239.

Sethi, Y. (2008). Coming full circle to systemic family constellations in personal therapy. The Australian journal of clinical hypnotherapy and hypnosis, 29(2), 5-11.

Simon, F. B., & Retzer, A. (1998). Bert Hellinger und die systemische Psychotherapie. Psychologie Heute, 7, 64-69.

Stiefel, I., Harris, P., & Zollmann, A. W. (2013). Family Constellation—A Therapy Beyond Words. Australian and New Zealand Journal of Family Therapy, 23(1), 38-44.

Talarczyk, M. (2011). Family constellation method of Bert Hellinger in the context of the Code of Ethics for Psychotherapists. Archives of Psychiatry and Psychotherapy, 13(3), 65-74.

Weber, K. (2003). Die Schuld der Eltern geht die Kinder nichts an. Psychologie Heute, 3, 28-33.

Weinhold, J., Hunger, C., Bornhäuser, A., Link, L., Rochon, J., Wild, B., & Schweitzer, J. (2013). Family constellation seminars improve psychological functioning in a general population sample: Results of a randomized controlled trial. Journal of Counseling Psychology, 60(4), 1-9.

Welford, E. (2014). Giving the Dead Their Rightful Place: Grief Work with the Family System. Transactional Analysis Journal, 44(4), 320–333.

Welford, E. (2019). Healing the Fallout from Transgenerational Trauma: Supporting Clients in Making Peace With Their History. Transactional Analysis Journal, 49(4), 324-338.

Prestação de Serviços de Constelações Familiares no ICI

Disponibilizamos quatro tipos de consultas no ICI (presenciais e por videoconferência): (1) em contexto grupal; (2) em contexto privado; (3) consultas para casais; e (4) para díades parentais, que já foram conjugais (...) Ler mais

O ICI disponibiliza dois cursos de Constelações Familiares: (1) o de Psicoterapeutas, que radica no modelo sistémico-fenomenológico criado por Bert Hellinger; e (2) o de Formação de Formadores de Psicoterapeutas (...) Ler mais

A supervisão do exercício da psicoterapia é, em geral, parte integrante de todos os programas de formação em saúde mental, sejam eles em psiquiatria, psicologia clínica ou em enfermagem psiquiátrica. Por conseguinte, (...) Ler mais